WordPress.com Community Translator

You can help translate WordPress.com into your native language without leaving the page!

Using the Community Translator

Once the translator is enabled, right-click on a highlighted string to submit a new translation:

Using the Community Translator

  • A red highlight means that a string does not have a translation in the current language.
  • A yellow highlight indicates a new translation is awaiting validation.
  • A green highlight indicates that a translation has been validated and is current, but you can still submit a new improved translation for that string.

Enabling the Community Translator

To turn on the translator tool, go to the My Account page in your dashboard, select a non-English interface language and check the “Community Translator” option.

Shows where to find the in-page translator option in WordPress.com Account Settings

When you go to any translatable page, you will see a globe icon on the bottom right.  Click on it to enable the translator.

Shows the in-page translator globe used to help add translations to WordPress.com.

Happy translating!  Thank you so much for your help!